Challenges Implementing and Evaluating Child Welfare Demonstration Projects Devon Brooks, Leslie Wind 379-384 보기Accountability in Public Child Welfare : Linking Program Theory, Program Specification and Program Evaluation Barbara Solomon 385-408 보기Evaluation of the Connecticut Title IV-E Waiver Program : Assessing the Effectiveness, Implementation Fidelity, and Cost/ Benefits of a Continuum of Care E. Wayne Holden, Susan Rousseau o'' Connell 409-430 보기Benefit-Cost Analyses of the Child Welfare Demonstration Projects : Understanding the Resource Implications of the IV-E Waiver E. Michael Foster, E. Wayne Holden 431-453 보기The Shared Family Care Demonstration Project : Challenges of Implementing and Evaluating a Community-Based Project Cassandra Simmel, Amy Price 455-470 보기